Wednesday, March 30, 2011

President Obama and the NCAA Tournament

President Barack Obama has been well involved in the selection process of the NCAA men's basketball tournament. Millions of people throughout the United States fill out NCAA tournament brackets to see how many teams they can pick to win games. President Obama is one of these millions of individuals. Recently the United States fired missiles into the country of Libya a couple weeks ago and according to the president they were "warning missiles." Recently a survey showed that the majority of the United States citizens are opposed to the firing of these missiles. A run down of this survey can be found here.

One might ask what the United States involvement in Libya has to do with college basketball but I am here to explain how it is relevant. It is this simple, President Obama has more to worry about than filling out a college basketball bracket. and then having his own segment on ESPN about his selections (see above video). Now granite there is nothing wrong with filling out brackets and in the President's defense, there is no problem being a sports fan as many people know about the President. This however is not the first time The President has made a big comotion about college basketball. His first year in office he did a segment on ESPN just like this year about his selections. At the time the country didn't know what to expect, not so much this time Mr. President. The nation has spoken and spoken loudly. In response to the criticism he has received about this topic, President Obama said in an interview with Dianne Sawyer that  “obviously, I hadn’t been spending that much time studying it since I don’t have anybody in the Final Four.”

It seems like this nation just keeps digging deeper and deeper getting into more and more trouble. Its one thing after the next. First it's the recession, then its the medical reform, now it's rising gas prices, a history making earthquake in Japan and missiles being shot into an almost defenseless country. Get real. As far as I'm concerned, President Obama needs to get his head out of his backside and focus on the tasks at hand. Just like when the nation criticized former President Bush about his efforts to help the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina and now President Obama is nowhere to be found when it comes to relief efforts in Japan. Ya know where Obama is? He's in his comfy chair in the Oval Office filling out a college basketball bracket while being filmed on ESPN, that's where our President is. Let's leave the NCAA tournament selections up to the professionals like Jay Bilas. And while were at it, Let's leave bigger and better problems such as the loss of innocent lives to the President of the United States and have him focus on these things instead of waisting his precious time filling out basketball brackets and taking up television air time in the process.

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